« Prev April 2023 Next » Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 4* CCMCCM Time: 6:00 pm6-9 5* LARC Committee MeetingLARC Committee Meeting Time: 6:00 pm6-9 6 7* OFFICES CLOSEDOFFICES CLOSED 8* Maple FestMaple Fest Time: 8:00 am8-430 9 10* OFFICES CLOSEDOFFICES CLOSED 11* Health Committee MeetingHealth Committee Meeting Time: 5:00 pm5-7 12 13 14* OW Drop InOW Drop In Time: 10:00 am10-2 15* Breast Plate MakingBreast Plate Making Time: 9:00 am9-4 16* Breast Plate MakingBreast Plate Making Time: 9:00 am9-4 17* Education Committee MeetingEducation Committee Meeting Time: 6:00 pm6-8 18* BCMBCM Time: 5:00 pm5-7 19* 7 Stages of Life7 Stages of Life Time: 6:00 pm6PM 20* Housing Committee MeetingHousing Committee Meeting Time: 3:00 pm3-5* Restorative Justice MeetingRestorative Justice Meeting Time: 6:30 pm6:30-8-30 21* Copper Shaker WorkshopCopper Shaker Workshop Time: 9:00 am9-4* Earth Day Clean UpEarth Day Clean Up Time: 11:20 am11:20 22* Leather Belt MakingLeather Belt Making Time: 9:00 am9-4 23* Leather Belt MakingLeather Belt Making Time: 9:00 am9-4 24* Social Committee MeetingSocial Committee Meeting Time: 6:00 pm6-8 25 26 27 28 29* Belt MakingBelt Making Time: 9:00 am9-4 30* Belt MakingBelt Making Time: 9:00 am9-4 Calendar developed and supported by Kieran O'Shea