Beginning June 5th, 2020- Persons meeting the requirements set out in the Amendments of Emergency Response Order and conditions of the Wasauksing First Nation 2020-0023 BCR will be permitted to enter Wasauksing Lands for the purposes of and at the following locations:

Seasonal camping and docking purposes with advance reservations for a duration of at least 30 consecutive days at:

 Wasauksing Marina and Campground located at 891 Oak Point Road

 Bay and Creek Campground located at 2334 Shingwak Road

 Seasonal cottage use at a cottage property located within the Leased Lands (as defined in Emergency Order #2) Lots 1-72 inclusive. Plan 5061 C.LS.R Lots 73-243 inclusive. Plan 5062 C.L.S.R and Lots 74-244 inclusive, Plan 51788 C.L.S.R

Phase 1 of Reopening Wasauksing Lands, beginning June 5th, requires that persons living in the District of Parry Sound apply at minimum 2 business days in advance to the Emergency Response Team ( with all applicable documentation prior to entering Wasauksing Lands.

Phase 2 of the Reopening beginning June 15th, will then permit persons outside of the Parry Sound District through the same process to enter Wasauksing Lands.

If you have any questions please contact the Emergency Response Team.

Emergency Response Order #3 Amending Order

Wasauksing First Nation BCR 2020-0023